Saturday, December 30, 2006

Here we go...

OK, I'll admit it - I had to look up the definition for a "blog". I mean the word has entered our culture (is it in Webster's yet?) but what is a blog? After all, if you're going to be a blogger maybe you ought to know what it means instead of assuming - we've all gone down that path before!

Turns out my impression was pretty much substantiated - as near as I can determine the word "blog" is a concatenation of "web log", basically an online journal. Hey, I can do that! Family experiences, life experiences, hobbies, technology, work - maybe even some politics or religion if I get really inflammed about something. Of course I doubt that many folks will want to know what my random thoughts are, but Al Gore did a good job building the Internet - it's really big - so I'm not going to worry about consuming valuable resources with my bytes.

So here we go - into the great electronic ether like SETI to see if anyone out there is listening! Remember, don't be shy about posting a comment (but be forewarned flames will be immediately extinguished).

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